Stillness in the Land of Speed

Violeta Orozco

“Violeta Orozco offers a deep range of poetic sensibilities inside of plain talk and personal brown body politic. Stillness in the Land of Speed allows us to inhale the Atlantic and wade with the wisdom inside Yemaya’s skirt pockets.

This collection is a celebration of all the souls haunted by visions in the river. Poems that raise up all the years of nocturnal signals that hold a culture that is more resilient than bones.

Her magical language transports readers inside of the most sacred interiors of abuelas speaking through veils. These poetics are maps, compasses, and portals that bear witness to the poet’s audacity to utter beyond the gaze.”

Jaki Shelton Green


What is this talk between you and I—
this language of oceans and rivers?

Let the strange bird of desire alight on our bow, continue
its trajectory toward the isles.  

It cannot stop for long
here, while we turn about the bed, holding our shadows  

together, the tips of our fingers sealing the seams
of water bodies reaching towards the land…

$17  ISBN: 978-0-936481-49-4