The Magnum Opus Persists in the Evening

Simon Baena

Available on Kindle.

The Magnum Opus Persists in the Evening is a lyrical lament that evokes the night as the abode of ruins, of loss, and of History—the realm between silence and noise which these poems speak through and embody.

from Camino de Santiago

The cold is in the bones
that the light left
no traces, no trail in the windows
to lean on

The priest stands still in the plaza
with outstretched arms
feeling god is in the rain

This is how oblivion begins:
the silence of the stones

The child sleeps peacefully
after drinking the curdled milk
away from the wooden altar
away from that rusty crucifix

When he opens his eyes:
the crows have gathered the last seed of the last wheat in the east—

ISBN 978-0-936481-36-4