White Dresses

Jaki Shelton Green

White Dresses by Jaki Shelton Green. Limited Edition. $40

This collectible work of Book Art is a 24 page accordion book printed on archival paper, produced by artists from 3 countries. It was published to coincide with the September 4 Opening of the multi-art show, The Communion of White Dresses, at the Mint Museum in Charlotte.

from White Dresses

I am a storyteller on your doorstep. White dresses become
thresholds. Shrouds for the mangled limbs of three-year-old twin
girls discovered beneath the rubble of what they were never
allowed to call home. White dresses become children in flight
trying to outrun poisonous winds and rain of a sinister sky. White
dresses stain the earth. Stain the fingerprints of grandfathers who
mistake sunrise for his dead wife’s smile. We are all the white
